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[E] h0n3y_dew [1]
[E] h0n3y_dew [1]
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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In the future, I would change my attitude towards others. I would change the fact that I'm greedy and that I was ignorant in my past appeals as it will never happen again. I believe you should let be back into Minetown because I've changed or I will change into a better person, and make the community of Minetown a better place
over 12 years ago
Username: H0n3y_Dew When you were banned : Can't remember, it was quite a long time ago. Let's say 4-5 months ago Person who banned you: Forgot the mods name Reason you were banned: Griefing a small part of a town. Server: Main
over 12 years ago
Username: h0n3y_dew When you were banned : I forgot Person who banned you: Nikuru Reason you were banned: Griefing the nimaro cities wall Nickuru, look, I know I've said and done things that made you angry and wasted your time, and I know that it was all my fault as I chose to do the wrong thing in griefing your city and I am honestly deep inside my heart sorry. I've been waiting for months and months just thinking about what I said to you in my previous post and honestly I'm sorry I've chose to do the wrong thing and I have learnt from my mistakes and as I promise you and the rest of Minetown that I will never do it again I'm begging you please un-ban me as this was one of my favourite servers that I have ever played and the most decent out of them all, just please un-ban me please.
over 13 years ago
What-ever, and irethena you clearly didn't read the post properly, Good-Bye Minetown
over 13 years ago
Like I said, It's both our faults and just close this please.
over 13 years ago